handmade yoga props
Props that are handmade by Ezgi
I studied textile engineering at uni and I worked in the textile industry for around 7 years after graduation. Fabrics and textile materials are my real passion besides yoga obviously. In 2013, I started my online small business and I have been designing, making, and selling accessories, bags, and garments since then.
People are sometimes curious about what I do other than Yoga so I thought it may be a good idea to share it here. I have a few yoga accessories in my collection such as eye pillows, tote bags, sandbags, etc. in case anyone is interested in products that are handmade by a yoga teacher.
See the items below and when you click the “shop” button, it will take you to my business website www.ezign.co which is safe to shop and easier to browse.
I hope you enjoy it. If any questions pls drop me a message or find me in a class.
Thank you for visiting.
Namaste, Ezgi
These sandbags have become one of the main props in my practice. They are very helpful to deepen my experience especially in;
- Shavasana (relaxation)
- Meditation
- Front body opening and more
If you are curious about how to use them just drop me a message after purchase.

Simple canvas tote bag to carry your Yoga essentials. Available in two sizes;
- Regular
- Large
3 floral fabric patch options for OM sign applique on the front of the bag.
The perfect add-on to experience deeper relaxation…
Lavender and flax seed filling in a soft and 100% fine cotton Liberty of London floral fabric cover.

What Are The Benefit?
Yoga is a very unique journey that is special for every individual however there are some common benefits we can experience through regular practice. Yoga may;
- Calm the mind and reduce stress
- Improve the breath
- Strengthen the physical body
- Improve mobility and posture
- Boost immunity
- Reduce chronic pain
- Improve digestion